American Business Women's Association Scholarship
Deadline is March 31st 2020
Must attend Washburn University or Washburn Institute of Technology in 2020-2021
*Preference is given to women who will attend Washburn University or Washburn Tech
Scholarship & College Planning Resources and Information on Federal Student Aid. When filling out the FAFSA remember the 1st F is for FREE. If a sign is asking for money/fees to complete the FAFSA you are on the wrong site.
State of Kansas Scholarships & Grants for 2020-2021 (Current Seniors)
Deadline for all materials is May 1st 2020
Documents are in the scholarship folder as well
Enrollment time for 2020-2021 school year. See the documents in the folder "enrollment" and visit the Shawnee Heights High School Counseling Department Facebook page for more enrollment information and a video that goes over the enrollment process.
We have made a schedule change to make up for 2 of the 3 snow days. Monday, April 13, 2020, is now a student attendance day and Friday, May 22, 2020, is now the last day of school. All school calendars now reflect this change.
LULAC Council 11071 Topeka Kansas Scholarship
Deadline March 31st 2020
Google Doc Link or Application posted below
SkillsUSA Scholarship
Deadline March 1st
A Junior or Senior or Postsecondary student enrolled in Technical education.
Must be a paid member of SkillsUSA
**Application located in Documents under scholarships on SHHS thrillshare account
UMPS CARE Charities
All-Star College Scholarship
Deadline to apply is May 15th 2020
*Must have been adopted at or after the age of 13.
1 scholarship up to $10,000…/all-star-college-scholarship/
Kansas Association of Plant Facility Directors (KADPF) is offering 16 scholarships at $2,000 each.
Parent/guardian must work for an educational facility in Transportation/Food/Custodial/Grounds/Maintenance Services. Deadline is 2/15/2020
Shelter Insurance Foundation Scholarship Agent Lance Dykes Deadline March 31st $2,000 Paper applications available in the Counseling Center & return applications to CC **There are 2 Shelter Insurance Sponsored Scholarships - students can apply for both but not receive both**
Shelter Insurance Foundation Scholarship
Agent Dave Tew
Deadline March 31st
Paper applications available in the Counseling Center & return applications to CC
**There are 2 Shelter Insurance Sponsored Scholarships - students can apply for both but not receive both**
Neosho County Community College PANTHER Enrollment days:
Welcome to the SHO!
Chanute Campus = April 21st & June 3rd & June 18th
Ottawa Campus = April 18th & July 8th
See flyer attached for more information and to sign up.
Destination KU Event: specifically for 1st generation college students and students of color.
February 14th and March 2nd
See flyer below and/or poster in the counseling center for more information.
Kansas Financial Scholars Essay Contest:
Deadline to apply is April 1st 2020
Apply at:
See flyer below and rules in scholarship folder.
Topeka Zoo Youth Council: A volunteer opportunity to help the community
See flyer below (QR code on flyer) and/or the link to apply:
Emporia State University: Show Me the Money
For more information visit:
STEM College & Career Fair
Union Station Kansas City 1p-4p Sunday March 29th
Register at:
See poster for more information.
Kansas Crime Stoppers Association Scholarship
Deadline March 16th 2020
Scholarships and financial aid for students who are military dependents
Attention students interested in Nursing or a related health field: Baker University School of Nursing in Topeka housed on the Stormont Vail Campus