American Business Women's Association Scholarship Deadline is March 31st 2020 Must attend Washburn University or Washburn Institute of Technology in 2020-2021 *Preference is given to women who will attend Washburn University or Washburn Tech
almost 5 years ago, SHHS Counseling
Scholarship & College Planning Resources and Information on Federal Student Aid. When filling out the FAFSA remember the 1st F is for FREE. If a sign is asking for money/fees to complete the FAFSA you are on the wrong site.
almost 5 years ago, SHHS Counseling
State of Kansas Scholarships & Grants for 2020-2021 (Current Seniors) Deadline for all materials is May 1st 2020 Documents are in the scholarship folder as well
almost 5 years ago, SHHS Counseling
Enrollment time for 2020-2021 school year. See the documents in the folder "enrollment" and visit the Shawnee Heights High School Counseling Department Facebook page for more enrollment information and a video that goes over the enrollment process.
almost 5 years ago, SHHS Counseling
We have made a schedule change to make up for 2 of the 3 snow days. Monday, April 13, 2020, is now a student attendance day and Friday, May 22, 2020, is now the last day of school. All school calendars now reflect this change.
almost 5 years ago, Shawnee Heights Public Schools
Schedule Change
Schedule Change
LULAC Council 11071 Topeka Kansas Scholarship Deadline March 31st 2020 Google Doc Link or Application posted below
almost 5 years ago, SHHS Counseling
SkillsUSA Scholarship Deadline March 1st A Junior or Senior or Postsecondary student enrolled in Technical education. Must be a paid member of SkillsUSA **Application located in Documents under scholarships on SHHS thrillshare account
almost 5 years ago, SHHS Counseling
UMPS CARE Charities All-Star College Scholarship Deadline to apply is May 15th 2020 *Must have been adopted at or after the age of 13. 1 scholarship up to $10,000…/all-star-college-scholarship/
almost 5 years ago, SHHS Counseling
Kansas Association of Plant Facility Directors (KADPF) is offering 16 scholarships at $2,000 each. Parent/guardian must work for an educational facility in Transportation/Food/Custodial/Grounds/Maintenance Services. Deadline is 2/15/2020
almost 5 years ago, SHHS Counseling
Shelter Insurance Foundation Scholarship Agent Lance Dykes Deadline March 31st $2,000 Paper applications available in the Counseling Center & return applications to CC **There are 2 Shelter Insurance Sponsored Scholarships - students can apply for both but not receive both**
almost 5 years ago, SHHS Counseling
Shelter #1 LD
Shelter #2 LD
Shelter Insurance Foundation Scholarship Agent Dave Tew Deadline March 31st $2,000 Paper applications available in the Counseling Center & return applications to CC **There are 2 Shelter Insurance Sponsored Scholarships - students can apply for both but not receive both**
almost 5 years ago, SHHS Counseling
Shelter #1 DT
Shelter #2 DT
Shelter #3 DT
Shelter #4 DT
Neosho County Community College PANTHER Enrollment days: Welcome to the SHO! Chanute Campus = April 21st & June 3rd & June 18th Ottawa Campus = April 18th & July 8th See flyer attached for more information and to sign up.
almost 5 years ago, SHHS Counseling
NCCC Panther Days
Destination KU Event: specifically for 1st generation college students and students of color. February 14th and March 2nd See flyer below and/or poster in the counseling center for more information.
almost 5 years ago, SHHS Counseling
Destination KU
Kansas Financial Scholars Essay Contest: Deadline to apply is April 1st 2020 Apply at: See flyer below and rules in scholarship folder.
almost 5 years ago, SHHS Counseling
Topeka Zoo Youth Council: A volunteer opportunity to help the community See flyer below (QR code on flyer) and/or the link to apply:
almost 5 years ago, SHHS Counseling
Topeka Zoo Youth Council
Emporia State University: Show Me the Money For more information visit: or
almost 5 years ago, SHHS Counseling
ESU Scholarships
STEM College & Career Fair Union Station Kansas City 1p-4p Sunday March 29th Register at: See poster for more information.
almost 5 years ago, SHHS Counseling
CareerFair #1
CareerFair #2
Kansas Crime Stoppers Association Scholarship Deadline March 16th 2020
almost 5 years ago, SHHS Counseling
Scholarships and financial aid for students who are military dependents
almost 5 years ago, SHHS Counseling
Attention students interested in Nursing or a related health field: Baker University School of Nursing in Topeka housed on the Stormont Vail Campus
almost 5 years ago, SHHS Counseling
BUNursing #1
BakerUNursing #2
BakerUNursing #3